This traditional Italian recipe of eggs cooked in a rich homemade tomato sauce with olives, capers, and anchovy makes a very tasty breakfast or brunch....
All you need to make the best doughnuts you have ever eaten is patience with sticky dough, a frying or candy thermometer, and a willingness to turn a blind...
Easy, inexpensive, and tasty. A savory moist alternative to pasta or potatoes, great as a side with grilled meat or poultry, or a main course with a side...
Cranberry apple baked oatmeal is a lightened up way to enjoy seasonal flavors. This oatmeal bake is a warm, cozy, and wholesome breakfast that will keep...
What do you do with that leftover Champagne after New Year's Eve or brunch? Make pancakes of course! These taste delicious with macerated fruits and accompanied...
These pancakes are passed down from my grandmother, who was fully Scandinavian. They are light and fluffy, and great with berry syrups. I have made these...
This non-dairy smoothie was created on a cold snowy day so that I could imagine that I was on a tropical beach somewhere. Lime juice and coconut extract...
A memory of a great sandwich from my childhood my Mother would make. Always a treat for morning, noon or night meals. These are so good, everyone should...
Really tasty, my family and friends like it so much. Very flexible - by skipping the eggs it changes to a vegetarian dish. For those who like hot flavor...
This is a quick and easy omelet that I make every year when ramps are in season. I usually serve it on a slice of buttered bread. Use as little or as much...
A quick breakfast or brunch item that satisfies without weighing you down. Serve with crisp hash browns or potato tots. These puff nice and light to almost...
Lemon Blueberry Bread is a scrumptious quick bread that is full of sweet blueberries and tangy lemon flavors and is oh so easy to make! One of my favorite...
If these pancakes were any lighter, they would float off the plate--and I didn't even separate the eggs and whip the whites. Also, I used water instead...
This is a forgiving granola recipe that readily customizes to fit your taste, budget, or pantry. Maintain the ratio of oats to nuts and seeds (and dried...
Delicious veggie-filled breakfast sandwiches. I make large batches of these and keep them in the freezer. Take one out the night before and let defrost...
This is so healthy and delicious, I could drink it every day. Compare to commercial vegetable juice; this has no added salt and doesn't need it. Switch...
Ordinary pancake mix gets a decadent kick from tea and brown sugar. Cooking the pecans on the bottom side of the pancake toasts them more than sprinkling...
From Brad Thomas Parsons' book, Amaro (Ten Speed Press), this riff on the Lunch Box cocktail was a collaboration with a Chicago bartender. The hint of...
These were inspired by a secret recipe for pancakes from a breakfast restaurant. I made the 'apple syrup' because I grew tired of maple syrup. I like to...
Baked pancakes - we call them puffcakes. Yes, they are baked! I tried it and it works! Very simple to make. Top with desired amounts of powdered sugar...
This is a refreshing smoothie that will help get your fruit and vegetable servings in for the day. You can use this recipe and just substitute the fruits...
The raw adventure continues this morning with my satisfying Mango Monster Smoothie. Why is it a monster smoothie you ask? It's green, that's why...and...
If you are looking to turn traditional waffles into a grain-free paleo treat, this recipe made with coconut flour is for you! I created this one on a hot...
These are great for crepes. My family loves them with Nutella® and strawberries. These are also great to pour into shapes: shark, bear, snowman, etc....
Easy and delicious eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce. A popular Middle Eastern dish that has become a favorite with my family as well. Don't forget...
Created for easing into a grain-free lifestyle change, these waffles are perfect for families looking for a traditional breakfast food. Use leftover banana...